(15) „Dame tu mano..

24 01 2011

y venga conmigo!
Vamonos al viaje para
buscarlos sonidos mágicos


That´s how the awesome song Ecuador by Sash starts. But what else do you know about this country? I did not know much, that is why it took me some time in Quito figuring out how to proceed.

Meanwhile, I was discovering this city and its surroundings:


Photo taken at the Basilika of Quito, the figure in the background is the so-called Panecillo


View of Quito from above at about 4000 metres, a cable car takes you up there.


Yes, the landscape around is more beautiful than the city itself.

Nearby Quito is a place called Mitad del Mundo and as the name suggests, the equator passes through it. Well at least that is what some french scientists thought in the 18th century and so they built a monument there.


If they knew….

Funny thing, it was later found out by GPS that the equator passes actually 200 metres away, where there is now a museum. In this museum I got a diploma for balancing an egg on an nail:


It is really much harder than it looks!

Also you can make the „flush-test“. People who watched the Simpsons (or paid attention in school) may know this but for everybody else: On the northern hemisphere water flows down a sink counter-clockwise whereas on the southern hemisphere it does so clockwise. On the equator itself it just drops down. This is quite amazing to see there, walking 1 metre north or south and seeing that effect with your own eyes!
Furthermore, if you want to lose weight, you might want to travel to the equator ;-). As the gravitation forces are not as strong here (why, I have no clue, ask a physicist), you lose approximately a kilo in weight. (Of course when you go back it will appear again, so don’t take that advice seriously.)
Wow, there is a lot to learn in this entry. I will see you after a short break.




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